for architecture + civil engineering students


design a small underground water storage facility combined with a tiny forest


Submission online via the email address:

The designs must be submitted on two A2 sheets in portrait position in jpg or pdf, there is no maximum set for the size of the files. In case of files that are too large for the email, the entries can be submitted via wetransfer.

The designs must be worked out to a preliminary design level. An impression must have an A3 format (integrated in the A2 sheet), this is used for publicity purposes.

By participating, participants agree to the use of the entries for publications exclusively within this project and with mention of their name.


Design a narrow unique underground water storage with a mini forest next to it of at least 5 trees and 5 shrubs on a flooded spot in Zaanstad. Total maximum project surface 25m2.


In the design:


- Make a proposal for collecting and storing the required amount of rainwater for watering the mini-forest;

- Keep it on a small scale so that it can be repeated as much as possible in the Zaanse (and any random) urban environment;

- Take into account the local morphology, the type of subsoil,

- Determine the amount (liter/m3) of water that is required to bridge a critical period of drought of at least 20 days

- Make a proposal for a solution in which the stored rainwater can be brought to the plants with as little energy as possible during periods of drought.

- Propose the desired types of plants, using at least three different types.


Provide a substantiated answer to the following research questions:


  1. What does the water balance look like during a year for different types of plants? Or

What is the precipitation surplus and deficit per different type of plants during the year? or

How much water must be stored per different type of plants to bridge a period of drought? o How much precipitation falls statistically in which period of the year? How do you take exceptions into account?

o What is the water requirement (/How large is the precipitation deficit) per different type of planting in the associated growing season?

o How long is a critical period of drought per different type of planting?

  1. How can the morphology of the nearby environment and natural gravity be used to collect rainwater and store it for a long time? Or what is an optimal layout around the greenery to collect rainwater in a natural way and store it for a long time?

o How large is the sphere of influence (horizontal and vertical plane) from which different types of planting can use water?

o How much paved surface is needed to meet the water requirements of different types of planting?

o What level of soil moisture is optimal for different types of planting?

  1. Which product types can be suitable for this, taking into account:

o (soft) soil conditions of Zaanstad

o small drainage depth / little drying


The effects of climate change are felt in many areas. In addition to heat and drought, local waterlogging is an increasingly common problem in cities. Due to the more intensive rain showers in places where the urban terrain is lowered, water collects. This can sometimes reach many centimetres and eventually causes damage to the streets or buildings. At the same time, the water would be very useful during periods of drought for watering greenery in the vicinity. At the moment, however, the excess water is always drained away as quickly as possible.

The municipality of Zaanstad therefore challenges students from the TU Delft, faculties of Architecture and Civil Engineering, to participate in the competition SUB (Small Underground Blue). The competition seeks solutions for local waterlogging where the excess water is stored underground to water the nearby planted trees and shrubs during drought. The municipality of Zaanstad aims to transform a problem into a solution with this competition.


Students of the TU Delft. Preference is given to teams with members from various specialisms. In each team at least one architecture and one civil engineering student will participate. The competition is open to other specialisms provided that the two mentioned above (architect and civil) are represented. The size of the teams has not been determined.

There are no costs associated with participation.


- November 15 2024  Announcement

- February 1, 2025     Matchmaking

- February 25, 2024   Location visit at 15.00 Zaandam,

                                   Conradverf intersection with Zuiddijk.

- April 1, 2025            Submission deadline at 24.00

- May 1                        Expo +announcement of the winners 


The jury will be announced at a later date


The first prize winner will receive €2000,-

The city of Zaanstad will strive to execute the winning design at the location Conradwerf’.

Three further entries will receive an honorable mention.


All entries will be presented on the website of the municipality of Zaanstad, TU Delft and the website and widely published on social media platforms.


In the context of the Conrad project in Zaandam (first photo, the area marked with a red line), various options have been indicated with red lines on the second aerial photo. Participants may choose from these two locations the most suitable location for their design.

Further information about the location such as maps in pdf and dwg will be sent after registration.


This competition is an initiative of :


